Your business is digitally connected—to employees, vendors and customers. Your systems store sensitive information.
This information and personal data could be at risk from online threats. No business is too small to be a target for online crime.
Thousands of small and medium businesses (SMBs) have been harmed by ransomware attacks, with small businesses three times more likely to be targeted by cybercriminals than larger companies.
The total cost of cybercrimes to small businesses reached $2.4 billion in 2021. CISA recommends four simple steps you can take to make your business MUCH SAFER from online dangers.
Teach Employees to Avoid Phishing
Require Strong Passwords
Require Multifactor Authentication
Update Business Software
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We deliver Technology Success by aligning technology with your business strategy, anticipating needs and problems, and protecting your business from technology risks. Our services monitor and identify issues around the clock to ensure that all aspects of your business technology environment are covered.