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Change produces stress in technology environments and among those who implement or are affected by the change. This is why change management is so critical for successful implementation.
5 ways to invest wisely in technology that supports long-term organizational goals
If your business is like most organizations, you've probably experienced quite a few changes since the onset of the pandemic. To adapt to COVID-19 restrictions and keep employees and customers safe, businesses had to make snap decisions overnight when it came to implementing new technology solutions to keep operations running smoothly.
Smart tech acceleration focuses on implementing technology that supports an organization's long-term goals and vision.
A change management strategy helps you plan ahead for a step-by-step implementation that reduces organizational stress and equips workers with the knowledge they need to navigate any change successfully.
When introducing new technology to your IT infrastructure, it's important to remember that change can be hard for individuals. It can be incredibly difficult to anticipate whether end users will easily take it on their own. You need a well-planned change management strategy when implementing new technology to help you achieve success and extract the maximum out of your investment. Here are five ways to manage change in the workplace when implementing new technology.
While an MSP can augment technology expertise and knowledge gaps, if you've never worked with one before and aren't sure what to expect, finding the right MSP partner can be difficult. That's why we've compiled a list of seven of the most important questions you should ask an MSP when determining whether they are a good fit to meet your technology infrastructure and service needs.
Over the last few decades, technology has been a driving force in business transformation and doesn't show any signs of slowing down. The fact that direct digital transformation investments are projected to total $7 trillion between 2020 and 2023 demonstrates this.1 If you want your firm to succeed, you must have the appropriate technologies to help you keep up with the changing business world.
If you don't have an IT background, the results of a technology audit can be perplexing. You might be overwhelmed by the number of items that need to be refreshed or replaced, and you might be unsure where to begin. Prioritization and the stoplight approach are particularly useful in this situation. Having a Vivitec on your side will allow you to seamlessly audit and remediate IT issues.
Technology is an unavoidable component of most businesses these days, helping them achieve their goals and vision. However, if you are not cautious, technological flaws could allow cybercriminals to access your network and cause harm to your company. Technology auditing is the solution to this problem.
Review our 10 core organizational resilience questions below to see if anything vital to your organization's success is missing.
Refreshing an entire IT infrastructure at once is rarely practicable — both financially and in terms of user experience. To make an improvement, you wouldn't purposely close every lane of a major roadway at once. Instead, you would close one at a time during non-peak hours. The same logic applies to technology infrastructure updates
Phishing is a social engineering attack used to obtain sensitive information, such as login credentials and payment details, from users. It happens when an attacker, posing as a trusted source, dupes a victim into clicking on a malicious link or downloading a spam file sent over email, text messages, phone calls or social media. If you fall into this trap, you could end up with malware, system slowdowns and sensitive data loss, among other things.
When used strategically, technology can help small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) develop a more productive, efficient and innovative workforce. That's why businesses that prioritize technology are three times more likely to exceed corporate goals. In a business world that's evolving at a breakneck pace, your company may not be able to perform at its full potential if it lacks the necessary technology.
Remember that your IT infrastructure is a critical component of your business. An up-to-date and high-quality IT infrastructure is an asset that enables you to do business without falling prey to cyberthreats and helps you achieve your goals.
When was the last time you conducted a comprehensive technology audit? If it's been a while or hasn't happened at all, you're probably vulnerable to a cyberattack. Cybercrime shows no signs of slowing down and is expected to cost the world $10.5 trillion per year by 2025.
Before making key budgeting decisions, it is critical to understand your company's most pressing concerns, particularly those affecting security, compliance and backup solutions. Regular IT audits can help you with this. An IT audit is a thorough analysis and evaluation of an organization's information technology infrastructure, policies and procedures.
Innovation fosters business, and because technology paves the way for it, every business needs technology to thrive. The rate at which technology has changed the business world over the last couple of decades has been unprecedented. Technology, irrespective of the size of your organization, can drive growth and improve operations.
A technology refresh allows a company to assess its IT infrastructure's present condition and evaluate the benefits of trying something more effective. For a company's long-term success, it's ideal to examine its current IT infrastructure "hardware, software and other technology solutions” and see what other options are available that would better suit its needs.
BCDR For Business: The 7-Step Path to Conducting a Business Impact Analysis (BIA)